Monday, May 2, 2011

Meeting Dad

Well, our trip to Charleston went off without a hitch, and along the way the girls finally got to meet their father.  This was a very nerve-racking and sensitive situation. I had tossed and turned for nights approaching this scenario, and was extrememly paranoid.  Not only had it been months since I had seen him, but the girls never had, and I didn't know how they(or I) would react.  So many questions arose in my mind: Do I really want them to have a relationship with him?  How will he react to seeing his daughters?  Could he ever love them since he had never met them?  Do I file for Child Support once they have met?  Will they be able to have a relationship with their baby brother?  All these questions, and very few would be answered in the short period of time we had to stay in Charleston.
The meeting actually went very well.  Shaun and his mother came over and the babies seemed to have a great time with them.  We took a bunch of photos and had good conversation.  He even showed us some videos of their baby brother Finn, who so closely resembles Abbie it is scary!  Of course there are still a lot of kinks to work out, but hopefully with time they can all be resolved.  I feel positive about the future and hope that Abbie and Lilli's relationship with their dad will grow.  

Friday, April 1, 2011

Back in the Dating Game

Well, being a single mom is hard enough, being a single mom trying to date again is even harder!  You would never expect that there would be so many great guys ouot there who don't mind you being a parent.  I was shocked and pleasantly surprised to find this out.  However, you get torn between your heart and your head.  I have been seeing a great guy, ex-military with 3 tours in Afghanistan, in school, great job, and younger than me... which I always like.  But I just can't get past that any time I spend with him is time away from my girls.  What to do... what to do?  My heart says stay, but my head says go:(

Daycare Blues

Well the girls have officially been in daycare for 2 weeks now:(  I was having such a hard time seperating myself from them, but it needed to happen for me to get anything done.  Part-time, Wed-Fri lets me put in the hours I need at work, while still being able to spend my nights with them.  The upside is that they are doing great.  My Second Home is a wonderful close-knit daycare with lots of one-on-one attention and a fabulous staff.  I swear, the first time I dropped them off they didn't even care I was leaving.  I was in total shock, expecting them to scream bloody murder!  But nope... they just turned and started playing like mommy wasn't even there.  Let me tell you, I have been blessed with the most amazing children... they are the happiest babies I have ever seen and I thank God everyday for them.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Library Lap Time

Well, I took the girls to there first "Lap Time" for infants at the library yesterday.  It was really cool.  I met a few moms from town and the babies got to be around other kids.  The librarian was a hoot!  Although her singing voice was not the best she sure did get the kids going.  They sang "the wheels on the bus"  and "row row row your boat" as well as a few other classics while the parents moved the babies arms to do the motions.  It was a great idea and I think I might have to do this every Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thank You Babies'R'Us

Just wanna give a shout out to the wonderful cashier at Babies'R'Us for letting me use my 20% off coupon twice today!  Now I have a corral gate and a sun tent for the babes!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011